Junior Legal Apprentice F/H

  • Nanterre
  • Publier le il y a 2 ans
  • Vue: 0
  • Annonce N° : 125466

Detail de l'annonce :

Date: 09/02/2022 MISSIONS : Within the Legal Department, you will work under the supervision of lawyers in charge of concession projects and, more generally, public-private partnership arrangements, in France and abroad. You will participate in the analysis and development of contractual and financial arrangements as well as in the drafting of the contracts required for the completion of projects (financing, design, construction, operation, maintenance). You will participate in the legal support of major infrastructure projects in the development, construction or operation phase in France and abroad in areas as varied as highways, airports, rail transport infrastructures, etc. You may also be involved in the performance of due diligence, the drafting of documents related to external growth operations (advisory mandates, confidentiality agreements, letters of intent, share transfer/acquisition agreements, etc.), and the implementation of such contractual arrangements (e.g. liability guarantees, etc.). You will monitor and report on relevant recent legal developments. Education - Personal qualities: * You have completed a postgraduate degree, ideally in public business law or business law, ideally supplemented by economic or financial training ; * You like to work in a team, are pragmatic, curious and at ease in a multidisciplinary and international work environment. SPECIAL SKILLS: * You are fluent in English; * Fluency in one or more other foreign languages would be highly appreciated. Type of contract: apprenticeship (« alternance ») of 12 months starting from September 2022 ENTITÉ VINCI Concessions est un acteur international des concessions d'infrastructures de transport, engagé pour une croissance durable et partagée avec les territoires et les communautés. Nous concrétisons avec succès le potentiel du partenariat public-privé dans 21 pays, grâce à notre modèle intégré concessionnaire-constructeur et notre expertise en conception, financement, maîtrise d'ouvrage et exploitation-maintenance d'infrastructures de mobilité. Assurer une expérience positive à nos 2 millions clients par jour est l'objectif premier de nos 20 000 collaborateurs à travers le monde. VINCI Concessions réunit VINCI Airports - le premier opérateur privé mondial de la gestion aéroportuaire, VINCI Highways – un leader de la mobilité routière avec 3.564 km gérés dans 14 pays et VINCI Railways – pionner de la concession ferroviaire.

Annonceur :  Vinci Groupe

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