Stage AI for QoS Prediction and Network Reconfiguration in Industrial Environment H/F

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  • Annonce N° : 110708

Detail de l'annonce :

The 5G communication standard is the prerequisite of the factory of the future. By enabling high reliability, low latency and security features, 5G networks introduce more flexibility and production in manufacturing tasks and support wireless connectivity in industrial environment. In this context of critical Internet of Things (IoT) as industrial automation use cases, the prediction of Quality of Service (QoS) allows the notification in advance of a potential change in the QoS, thus avoiding reduction of undesired behaviour and damages. In case a degraded QoS is predicted, different countermeasures may be applied at the application level such as slowing down the motion or process speed, update the robots trajectories. Another option is to reconfigure the network parameters as the resource reservation. In the proposed internship, we focus on the second option: the network reconfiguration. During the internship, the main goals to achieve are: 1. To enhance developed AI techniques based on neural networks and clustering (and to investigate other algorithms) to predict the degradation of quality of service, in particular the transmission latency and packets loss. 1. To propose the adequate network optimization based on QoS predictions and traffic information in order to achieve the QoS targets. A reinforcement learning approach may be followed. ABOUT YOU An internal system level simulator developed in C++ for 5G Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC) will be used during the internship for data generation. QoS prediction techniques (Neural Networks, Clustering, Regression) developed in Python in previous works can be reused in the first steps of the internship. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Vous serez un acteur direct des transformations technologiques en cours qui accompagne les changements sociétaux (inclusion numérique, santé connectée, villes intelligentes, …). Vous intégrerez une équipe dynamique et multi-culturelle avec des experts radio internationalement reconnus. Vous développez une expertise pointue sur les normes, sur les équipements mobiles et réseaux d’accès mobile (RAN), sur les enjeux d’interopérabilités des systèmes radio, ainsi que sur la stratégie de déploiement des différentes filiales, avec un focus particulier sur l’analyse des performances radio mobile 5G (MiMo, IA pour le RAN, 6G,…). DEPARTMENT Au sein du département RIO (Radio Innovation), l’équipe RAP (RAdio Performance) est en charge de la conception et de l’évaluation de performances des solutions technologiques radio-mobile de demain. Ses études se portent aujourd’hui principalement sur l’évaluation des performances des réseaux mobiles 5G, sur la stratégie spectre et sur la conception de la future technologie 6G, dont l’apport de l’intelligence artificielle constitue une brique essentielle. CONTRACT Internship Level : Bac+5

Annonceur :  Orange

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